The purpose of this records request was to seek updated Fusion Center policies two years after the initial request to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Safety and Security.
Specifically, the goal was to retrieve information about:
- Information sharing agreements between all Massachusetts cities and downs and the Fusion Center;
- Documents and reports created by the Fusion Center’s Privacy Working Group;
- Fusion Center operational and procedural guidelines.
Request Submitted To | Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety & Security |
Category | Law Enforcement |
Year Filed | 2010 |
Number of Documents Received | 9 |
Responsive Documents
# | File Name | Description | File Type | File Size |
1 | CFC Brochure | Commonwealth Fusion Center (CFC) Brochure | 831 KB | |
2 | fusion-center-privacy-policy from web | CFC Privacy Policy | 5.3 MB | |
3 | Romney order establishing CFC | Romney Executive Order Establishing CFC | 751 KB | |
4 | CFC_attach_28CFRpart23guidelines | 28 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 23 | 1.4 MB | |
5 | CFC_attach_CFCbudget2005to2010 | CFC Budget 2005-2010 | 1.2 MB | |
6 | CFC_attach_CFCguidelinesoninvestigationsof1stamendmentactivity | CFC Guidelines for Investigations into 1st Amendment Activity | 760 KB | |
7 | CFC_attach_MOUchsbmspbpdkcc | Multi-Agency MOU | 782 KB | |
8 | CFC_attach_PWGmemos | EOPSS Privacy Working Group Memos | 1 MB | |
9 | CFC_attach_spendingonexercise | Fiscal Receipts | 956 KB |