Tracking COVID-19 in Massachusetts Prison & Jails

End of reporting

Governor Baker terminated the state of emergency in Massachusetts on June 15, 2021, at which point the weekly data reporting requirements also concluded. See CPCS v. Chief Justice of the Trial Court, 484 Mass. 431, 456 (2020).

As stated in this June 21, 2021 order , both the DOC and the counties will file snapshot reports on July 15 and August 15, 2021. The DOC will document the custody population and the number of people in DOC custody that are actively COVID-19 positive in each facility on the day immediately preceding the reports, while the HOC will file reports consistent with the information provided to the special master during the state of emergency.

As a result, this webpage will no longer have weekly updates, and after the July 15 and August 15 reports, this webpage will no longer be updated.

Explore Massachusetts Prisons and Jails' Response to COVID-19

View plots in the different tabs to track testing, positive cases, and releases in prisons and jail during the COVID-19 pandemic, as documented in reports made by Massachusetts prisons and jails to the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC).

About the Data

The data displayed here are compiled from information supplied by county sheriffs and the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) in Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) v. Chief Justice of the Trial Court, SJC-12926, a case brought by the Committee for Public Counsel Services (the Massachusetts public defenders), the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and the ACLU of Massachusetts. This case seeks releases of incarcerated people to protect them, correctional staffs, and the public from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following an opinion by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in this case on April 3, 2020, sheriffs and the DOC have been required to provide daily reports that shed light on the COVID-19 situation inside Massachusetts prisons, jails, and houses of correction.

Learn more about the history, details, and outcomes of the case at the ACLU of Massachusetts website: Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) v. Chief Justice of the Trial Court.

The data sourced for all visualizations on this site are available for download here.

Source Code

Interested programmers can view the source code for this app, written in R, on GitHub.


All data and analysis presented here is subject to change based on updates and amendments received from the counties and the state. For more resources on dealing with inconsistencies in these data, visit our page on external resources.